

About MTP

I’m as simple as a common daisy. Doesn’t take much for me to grow, just some sunshine and water.

I was born in sunny California and raised in rainy Oregon. Growing up you could find me curling anyones hair that would let me, and applying some seriously 2000’s makeup. Today, not much has changed (except updating my makeup style, kinda). But these days I’m all grown up and a licensed professional. I’ve been officially a hairstylist for just short of a decade.

I LIVE for blondes, dimensionial hair & pugs.

But seriously, I have a baby boy named Monty who is the love of my life. And by baby boy, I mean six year old fawn pug. If you follow along with me on my instagram you’ll see me just constantly drooling over my cutie.

If you think we’ll vibe, give me a message and I would love to give you the hair of your dreams.

xo MTP